Several years ago, Google introduced the world to a new marketing concept: the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT). Understanding this important marketing moment can be quite useful to both new businesses looking to break into the world of online marketing and established companies looking to grow their online presence.
Google defines the ZMOT as the exact moment when a consumer has a need, intent or question that he or she would like to address through an online search. These questions can be anything from “What detergents are most effective on food stains?” to “What Italian restaurants deliver in my area?” Brands that are available online to answer these questions can gain a huge competitive advantage over brands that don’t.
Active 8 Marketing works with organizations to ensure they are part of the ZMOT conversation in order to increase their opportunity to be part of the buying decision with consumers. Want to learn more about how we can help you win the Zero Moment of Truth and send sales skyrocketing? Give us a call at (855) 855-5728 or contact us below.