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Email Marketing to Drive Business

The history of electronic mail, otherwise known as “Email” stretches far back, all the way to the 1960’s to be exact. That’s older than the internet itself! So Email has been with us for a very long time. But, we wouldn’t exactly call it old, but rather; traditional.

So how does this long established traditional communication method hold up compared to the new kids on the block, otherwise known as social media networks. Well, first off, not everybody is a fan of social media. In fact, many refuse to use it actively, or don’t even have accounts set up on them at all. What these people all have in common though, is that they all use Email. Everybody has at least one Email they use.

Secondly, most of the other marketing tools out there like Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising for example, are great for bringing in new customers, but they’re poorly applicable when it comes to maintaining relationships with those customers. Relationship building is one of the best tactics a business can do to keep customers coming back to you and build brand loyalty. Email marketing can be used to do both of these things for your business.

Let’s see how.

Imagine that a small gift, or a discount, or free shipping is offered to your prospect if they sign up for your email newsletter. From there, you can instantly send them the first email with a promised benefit. This added incentive will make this prospect more likely to become a new customer. From there on, Email marketing excels at maintaining the relationship with your customer.
The moment you have a customer’s email, you can stay in contact with them and send out reminders they will find useful at any time you need. You can send out new products you have, what’s on sale this week, what’s trending, and even tailor these reminders to the customer themselves based on their preferences or prior purchases. This is a great way to encourage customers to come back, stay engaged, and well; do more business with you.

So now you know what Email marketing is good for, but do you know how to effectively build up your mailing list? Or how often to send out newsletters? Or how to capture your customers attention, without spamming them? Or how to set up a system that will automate the mailing process?

Well that’s where we come in.

We develop highly effective email nurture campaigns that are designed to engage and convert more customers.

Want to learn how? Contact us today, and see your sales take off!